高考英语二轮 复习七选五专项训练(有答案解析)

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高考英语二轮 复习七选五专项训练(有答案解析)

2024-07-16 11:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


七选五We all know that leading a healthy lifestyle is essential, but sometimes it’s hard to stick to good habits. If you’re looking to make some changes and improve your health, this blog post is for you! ____1____Get movingIt’s no secret that exercise is good for you. Not only does it help to improve your overall health, but it can also boost your mood and increase your energy levels. ____2____ This could include going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or taking a fitness class. There’s no need to go all out. Even moderate activity around your house, such as working in your garden, can benefit significantly.Reduce or get rid of sugarSugar can cause inflammation (发炎) and worsen existing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. ____3____ When you cut sugar out of your diet, you’ll likely notice an improvement in your energy levels, mental clarity, and overall sense of well-being. You may even drop a few pounds.Drink more waterYour body comprises about 60% water. It helps flush toxins from your body, carry nutrients to your cells, and keep your skin healthy. It helps improve your mood and energy levels and helps you lose weight. ____4____ Also, it may surprise you how much better you feel.Get enough sleepA good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellness. When you sleep enough, your body has adequate time to recharge and heal from the day’s activities, which also helps to improve focus and concentration, and help boost your mood. ____5____A.It can also lead to weight gain and make you feel exhausted.B.You may have heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day.C.These tips can help you get the restful sleep you need to feel your best.D.Here are some simple tips that can help you turn things around within 30 days.E.So next time you’re feeling tired, reach for a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee.F.One way to make exercising easier is to set a daily goal of 30 minutes of physical activity.G.However, when you don’t get enough rest, you’re more likely to have trouble concentrating.Best Ways to Get Rid of a Bad HabitEveryone has a bad habit or two. Getting rid of habits is a very hard thing to do. Even if you have a great deal of self-discipline, bad habits can be very hard to get rid of.____6____The same is true of breaking a bad habit; it takes about three weeks to really get past it.Tell a friend about your efforts. This will make you more responsible because it is easy to make excuses to yourself, but not as easy to make excuses when your friend asks how it is going. The more people you tell, the more responsibility there is.____7____The same people that are there to keep you responsible should also be there when you need some support. You should tell people who you can call when your resolve is faltering (衰退).____8____If you want to get rid of a bad habit, you need to replace it with something else. If you watch too much television, you can replace it with a healthy habit such as reading a book or exercising. It might also be a time to start something that you have been planning to do for a long time. Maybe you can start working on a dream project you have been delaying for so long.____9____·Set futuristic goals. You should imagine a future that involves a life without your bad habit. Whatever the habit you are looking to getting rid of, you should visualize how better your life would become when you get rid of it.____10____By setting goals for the future, you can motivate yourself and adopt a lifestyle that helps you achieve those goals.A.Adopt a new habit.B.Get proper help.C.This also means that you can get more support.D.Habits take about three weeks to really come into your mind.E.Think of all the opportunities you missed because of bad habits.F.Bad habits can prevent a person from making any progress in life.G.Anything that offers a change in schedule can be very beneficial for you.Fear is one of our strongest emotions. However, people with phobias(恐惧)have an extreme fear response that causes both physical and psychological pain. In everyday life, some phobia triggers(诱因)are much easier to avoid than others. For instance, people who suffer from a fear of bats are highly unlikely to be troubled by these creatures every day. ____11____The good news is that there are a variety of different methods used to treat phobias. Among the most popular are cognitive behavioral therapy(疗法), exposure therapy, and virtual reality therapy.*Cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)____12____ It is thought that unreasonable anxiety is caused by a patient’s negative interpretation of events, rather than the events themselves. CBT is a talking therapy that helps patients assess their reactions to situations, replacing the worry cycle with more useful or realistic thoughts.*Exposure therapyThe aim of exposure therapy is to gradually desensitize(使脱敏)the patients to the source of their phobia. ____13____ A person who fears spiders might place thinking about a spider at the bottom of the list, and having a spider move along his arm at the top. With the help of a psychologist, the patient systematically works their way through the list, using relaxation techniques until they are comfortable with each stage.*Virtual Reality therapyExposure therapy isn’t a usable option for all phobias. ____14____ Advancements in virtual reality systems mean that patients can now face their fears through a headset rather than in the real world. ____15____ In the case of people with a phobia of flying, they can take a course of sessions in which they board a virtual plane and experience announcements, take-off and landing without having to buy a plane ticket each week.A.Luckily, modern technology offers an alternative.B.The patient ranks situations from least to most terrifying.C.Instead, our brains can be retrained to overcome a phobia.D.The aim of CBT is to change how we think about certain situations.E.Someone suffering from a social phobia, however, will struggle to lead a normal life.F.This enables patients to face their phobias, while knowing they are in no physical danger.G.CBT is as effective as medication in treating many anxiety disorders.The shoes you wear can reflect your style, mood, personality, attitude, and much more. Do you want to leave a strong impression _____16_____They add depth to your personality. So, it is recommended to never laze around the shoe matter.SneakersSneakers are the most frequently worn shoes these days. They represent a happy, sporty, and comfortable attitude. _____17_____From your friend’s birthday party to your workouts, you can wear sneakers everywhere. If you want to look professional, it is better to avoid these.SandalsLeather sandals express a comfortable, chilled, and relaxed attitude. They are perfect for beach vacations. They are also street-friendly, you can also wear them for daily activities. They are considered the most suitable for your feet during summer.BootsBoots are one of the best additions to your shoe collection. They work well in personal and professional settings. They convey a strong, professional and confident attitude. _____18_____HeelsHeels have been a status symbol since ancient time. _____19_____Kings and queens wore heels to show their high status. Even today, heels represent confidence, bravery, and even a high-status. Women who wear heels are more charming as well._____20_____You should always keep a good check on your shoes and wear the most suitable pair. You need to dress up according to the situation, surroundings, and people. Only when you can do that, can you create the desired impression with your shoes.A.You’ll feel confident in your skin.B.Shoes can say more than you know.C.A wide shoe collection can help you.D.They are best paired with casual wear.E.They convey a casual and light-hearted attitude.F.You can wear a pair to the office and even parties.G.They convey a strong, attractive, and powerful attitude.When a heavy storm hit, residents of the floating community of Schoonschip in Amsterdam had little doubt about whether they could ride it out. They tied up their own stuff, and checked in with neighbors to ensure everyone had enough food and water. ___21___, rising along with the water and going back to its original position after the rain stopped.A floating house can be constructed on any shoreline and is able to deal with rising seas by remaining on the top of the water’s surface. ___22___, floating homes are fixed to the shore and are usually connected to the local sewer (污水管道) system and power grid. They are structurally similar to houses built on land.___23___. Siti Boelen, the Schoonschip resident, says that when she first moved in, stormy weather made her think twice. “You feel it in your stomach,” she says, adding that she has gotten used to the feeling. Floating homes also require extra infrastructure and work to connect to the electricity grid and sewer system.___24___. “If there are floods, it’s expected that many people will move to higher ground. But the alternative is to stay close to coastal cities and explore expansion onto the water,” says Rutger de Graaf. “___25___. That’s unavoidable merely half a century away. We need to start now to increase the scale of floating developments.”A.They then boarded their floating housesB.But the benefits may outweigh the costsC.Since floating houses are on the increaseD.We feel safer in a storm because we are floatingE.Unlike houseboat which can easily be moved and relocatedF.Hundreds of millions of people will be displaced by sea level riseG.Severe wind and rain, or even the passing ships, can rock the buildingsWe all need money to survive in the world. Usually, our job’s salary is adequate for our basic needs. ____26____ Likely not. And your main job may not be as secure as you would like. Some consider it possible for robots to take over about 40 percent of all jobs in 2025.Enter the sideline. A reliable one is undoubtedly helpful in offering more financial security; furthermore, there are other benefits.One of the best parts is that a sideline can help you get out of your comfort zone. Depending on what your sideline is, you may encounter different kinds of people. ____27____ You can make new friends, discover something new or develop yourself at a personal level.A sideline can also give you a competitive advantage in your career. When you’re devoted to a single career, you’ll often end up with a similar thinking style as those who share the same training and job responsibilities as you. A sideline will challenge you to learn new skills. ____28____. This can help you become unique in your main career since you’ll bring those new skills and perspectives to your core work role.____29____. A sideline isn’t an obligation. You choose to do it. The flexible nature of a sideline is attractive to many people. You have the freedom to decide how much time you want to spend doing it.Most importantly, you can live out your passion with a sideline. Your main job may pay the bills, but maybe it doesn’t match your passion. ____30____ Let’s say you are a dog person. You could make money by walking dogs or making dog toys. Doing work that you are passionate about is an excellent reason to have a sideline.A.Start a sideline that does.B.It is a great way to make ends meet and provide extra income.C.Assess your skills and think about turning them into a business.D.But will it cover emergencies, debts and those expensive wants E.You’ll be exposed to different types of knowledge and ways of thinking.F.Another beauty of a sideline is that you can be the boss of your schedule.G.By expanding your social circle, you can enjoy some unexpected benefits.Flextime is a flexible hours schedule in which employees choose their own working hours, usually within approximate limits set by the employer or by the government. ___31___For employees, flextime has a clear advantage. ___32___ For example, they can use flextime to create schedules which will allow them to go to school, handle childcare, assist relatives, and perform other tasks. Employees may also use their flextime to create a schedule which optimizes creativity. For example, some employees prefer to work earlier in the day to get more accomplished.___33___ First, it tends to increase employees’ satisfaction. This makes the company a better and more productive place to work. In addition, flextime can allow companies to serve clients for a longer time, as employees will be around at different times to answer phones, attend meetings, and so forth.Most flextime schedules include core time. ___34___ Employees are also usually given an hourly, daily or weekly limit to ensure that they do not break laws on working hours. Or the company is only willing to pay wages for so many hours of work each week.A classic example of a flexible time schedule is that someone who works four 10-hour shifts a week can take three days off. Flextime can also be combined with flexplace, in which the environment is better than that of the office. ___35___ Employers may also allow people to work in untraditional settings such as coffee houses.A.Employers benefit from flextime a lot, too.B.Flextime is also seen as a family-friendly policy.C.This method has been adopted by many employers.D.For example, home offices are increasingly popular.E.However, flextime may not be applicable to all fields.F.It allows them to create work schedules that suit their lives.G.It is a period of the day that everyone is expected to be at work.Adversity quotient (AQ逆商) is one’s ability to handle adversities well. It is known by other names such as resilience (适应力) and persistence. ____36____. A person with high AQ is tough and will not easily give up in the face of hardship, and often has the following qualities:____37____As we all know, change is the only constant in life. In the natural world, a creature that cannot adapt to changing circumstances eventually comes to an end. An employee who refuses to adapt to great changes such as heavier workloads will give up and leave. ____38____. The ups and downs of life will not crush them.High emotional quotient (EQ)____39____. Poor emotional control can make a situation worse than it already is. A person with a high EQ usually knows that the emotional impact of an adverse situation is only temporary. It is the classic “this too shall pass” mode of psychology.A positive attitude toward lifeA person with a high AQ has a positive outlook on life. They will see the half-full glass instead of the half-empty one. ____40____.The concept of AQ is becoming increasingly relevant as the world goes through tough times. People with high AQs are an asset to any organization.A.Sensitivity to changesB.Adaptability to changesC.However, a person with high AQ will stay no matter whatD.Without high AQ, anxiety and depression are usually not far behindE.They will see even criticism in a positive and constructive spiritF.AQ is the capacity to bounce back after you have been pushed downG.The ability to regulate one’s emotions is important when faced with adversityGardening can be a fun and rewarding activity for people of all ages, but it can be especially beneficial for children.Gardening enhances children’s senses and motor skills. In addition to being able to touch the soil, use various tools and seeds, children can also spot the differences between different plants, and hear sounds of different insects.____41____. Gardening activities like digging, planting, watering, and weeding can stimulate movements of the body, particularly arms and hands, and help children learn about the natural world.____42____. Children’s curiosity about plants starts with the first seed they sow. They learn about natural process by observing the growth and fruit ripen. They also come to appreciate the vital role of insects and worms for plants and recognize that everything in nature is connected.Plant care fosters (培养) patience and responsibility.____43____, and children learn what it means to be responsible for something to help ensure its health. Gardening also teaches children about caring for the environment, fostering a love and respect for nature.Gardening promotes nutrition and healthy choices for kids. Planting and cultivating (培育) plants, picking vegetables and fruit, and involving kids in cooking with what they grew will certainly result in a wish to try and consume the food they prepared. They will gladly try vegetables and fruit they planted and cultivated themselves. ____44____Gardening gives your family bonding time. Bonding with your family is so important, but it can be hard to realize with the digital age. ____45____,which contributes to parent-child relationship.A.Plants need regular and consistent careB.Gardening gives you a chance to dial this backC.Children get a head start on learning about scienceD.Gardening involves scientific observations and creativityE.It provides good, healthy outdoor activity for the whole familyF.This helps children to nurture self-confidence and healthy diet habitsG.Interacting with the surrounding nature encourages the learning processBecoming more optimistic can help you see people, situations and tasks with a more positive outlook. ___46___However, optimism is actually an ability that individuals can choose to develop. Here are some steps to become more optimistic.Keep a gratitude journal. Write every day in a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is a place where you regularly write things you feel grateful for. The things you’re grateful for can be small, such as a good meal or a sunny day.___47___Consistently recognizing the things you’re grateful for can help you refocus on the positives in your life and foster a more optimistic perspective.Do activities you enjoy, Spend time on hobbies or interests that naturally boost your mood or make you laugh. Pursuing activities you enjoy can help you reduce stress levels. ___48___Limit your consumption of the news. ___49___ However, most news mediums discuss negative topics or subjects from a negative angle. So consuming too much news can dampen your outlook on life. So consider setting a time limit for how much news you consume regularly. Choosing to only receive your news from a few reputable sources can also help you reduce the amount of news you read or watch daily.___50___ Make actionable plans when facing challenging situations. Some people might think that optimists only perceive the good in all situations. However, optimistic people do recognize difficulties. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of a situation, optimists make plans to alter, improve or overcome those challenges.A.Take action against the negative.B.Spend time with optimistic people.C.Optimists are often interested in trying new things.D.It’s important to stay informed about the world around you.E.Some people might believe that people are born with optimism.F.They can also be larger or more complex, such as a loved one or a good job.G.When you feel more joyful, it can become easier to look at situations positively.Some of the best road trips are unplanned. You simply grab a few items, jump in a car and set off. However, this approach involves some risk. ____51____ That’s why the first rule of road trip planning is to bring along whatever you might need to have fun. Some food, a guitar, and a cooler full of drinks can go a long way.Planning a road trip can be almost as fun as the trip itself. Some well-designed travel guides may be of great help. ____52____ For the logically-minded, the management of speed, fuel, accommodation and timing details can present a rewarding journey.____53____ Highways make it possible to drive across an entire country without seeing anything or meeting anyone. The more you skip freeways in favor of scenic highways, the more you’re likely to get out of your trip.Once you’ve figured out your plan roughly, fill in the details, and bear in mind that maps and satellite navigation systems are not always up to date. ____54____ Remember, the more you prepare now, the better equipped you’ll be if you decide to change your trip later or have to deal with an unforeseen problem.Booking accommodation and having backup plans can make or break a trip, especially if you want to visit some remote byways with limited accommodation opportunities. ____55____ In some areas, especially the American West, gas stations can be a hundred miles away.A.You can find this information online.B.You may end up in a boring part of town.C.It’s good to take an emergency phone with you.D.A quick look through them can fuel your inspiration.E.Research as much as possible and cross-reference your sources.F.When planning your route, consider what kinds of roads to take.G.Also, be sure to investigate fuel availability where you’re headed.As much as 80% of heart disease is preventable by making specific lifestyle choices. Some strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well known. ____56____ These small changes in your everyday routine can have a big impact in the long run.Get eight hours of sleep.____57____ If we are lacking in sleep, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure and glucose(血糖) levels. These factors can all have an impact on cardiovascular(心血管) health.Engage in volunteer work.Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress. ____58____ We know that loneliness is a risk factor for heart health, and volunteering gets you out of the house and creates a social network. Depending on the type of work you do, volunteering might even increase your physical activity.____59____Exposure to this kind of pollution over time raises your risk of heart disease. Breathing in contaminants(污染物) formed from chemicals may harm your heart. Even short periods of exposure are unhealthy for people who already have cardiovascular risks, such as high blood pressure. Try to get your outdoor exercise far away from highways and industrial districts.Eat breakfast.Healthy people who skipped breakfast were three times more likely to have heart disease than those who have a substantial morning meal. If you’re eating a proper breakfast, you’re less likely to be hungry later and make poor food choices. ____60____ Choose whole-grain foods and include fruit.Start now and boost your heart health!A.Avoid polluted air.B.Stay in fresh environment,C.But others may not have crossed your mind.D.We need to intake enough energy as part of a healthy lifestyle,E.Take adequate rest and exercise regularly, and you’ll feel energetic.F.When you’re not rested, everything that happens in your life is more stressful.G.It is proved that a feeling of purpose in life is linked to a lower likelihood of heart attack.According to a study by the U. S. Department of Education, families choose homeschooling over public schools for three primary reasons. Nearly half of homeschooling parents said they could give their children a better education at home. Thirty-eight percent cited religious reasons.___61___Like many homeschool parents, Certain and her husband, Randy, are college graduates. They said they did not have the money to send their children to private school in the Los Angeles area where they lived.___62___ And Certain also wanted her children to learn to read using phonics (拼读法).___63___She began homeschooling her three children because she felt they weren’t learning what she thought they should learn. “I remember helping our daughter, Danielle, with her homework when I realized that she wasn’t reading any of the classics in literature,” said Certain. “It was breaking my heart to see that she was missing out on some very important elements that should have been in her education.”Certain said it takes more than good intentions to homeschool. “Homeschooling is a___64___For Certain’s family, homeschooling meant Certain had spiritual calling,” she said, to quit her job.In addition to teaching her children at home, Certain joined other parents in a homeschooling support group and attended conferences and other homeschooling events. “People say that homeschooled children are not learning how to relate socially with their peers (同龄人) but that is just not true,” she said. “___65___”A.Randy shared the same idea as Certain.B.Certain believed she could do a better job.C.It is a big sacrifice both of yourself and financially for your family.D.Others considered their local schools’ learning environments poor.E.They were also concerned about the safety of their children at public school.F.My children are as active in dance, soccer and other activities as those at public schools.G.A small number of parents were still considering whether to teach their children at home.Yoga has a well-deserved reputation for helping improve balance and flexibility and for inducing calm and relaxation. ____66____ While you might not burn as many calories by practicing yoga as you would by running or doing some other high-intensity activities, yoga can still raise your heart rate and help build muscle. Here’s more about how yoga is a complete body and mind workout.·Reduce stress and reduce pounds. Yoga helps deal with stress. ____67____ Yoga has an impact on the body’s stress response and reduces the production of chemicals linked to weight gain, such as cortisol (皮质醇), a stress hormone.·Move well and eat well. ____68____ Participants involved in yoga practice realize that they tend to notice not only the amount of food they eat, but also what type of foods they eat and the impact of eating those foods. They become aware of the effect of certain foods on their bodies during their yoga practice.·____69____ Doing yoga long term not only can help people lose weight but also can strengthen cognitive skills to help keep it off. A multiyear study examines the possibility of yoga maintaining weight loss. Its findings suggest that yoga may help to improve long-term weight loss outcomes via improvements in distress tolerance, self-compassion and a more positive mood.Yoga is a very reasonable form of exercise, but you have to choose the right type. A 2021 study found no difference in weight loss totals for participants practicing a gentle, restorative yoga versus a more vigorous type of yoga. ____70____ Everybody can benefit from a yoga practice.A.Make weight loss last.B.Learn about cognitive skills.C.Studies show that high levels of cortisol can lead to an increase in fat.D.Several studies have confirmed that doing yoga does raise cortisol levels.E.Yoga helps break old dietary habits and related unconscious patterns of behavior.F.Actually, the best yoga is the practice that fits for you — the one you’ll commit to.G.But as for weight loss, many people assume other types of exercise will benefit more.With the cost of living on the rise, it’s become more important than ever to watch what we spend. If you use natural gas in your home, the bill can be quite high. Don’t worry, though! ____71____ . You won’t have to pay huge fuel bills.Try to reduce energy useThe smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the less energy will be used. If your thermostat(调节器)is set to a high temperature, your gas bill is bound to be expensive. Lowering your thermostat a few degrees will reduce your bill by 5-10%. ____72____. Don’t keep the heat on when you’re at work or gone on the weekends. The energy saved will reduce the cost of your gas bill.____73____Warm air escapes our homes easily, so adding draught excluders(密封条)or a rolled-up towel to block these leaks will help. It’s also a good idea to equip your houses with double-glass windows. If it is too costly, it might be worth using some heavy curtains to stop the heat escaping. In addition, keep your blinds open during the day and closed at night. During the day, keep your blinds or curtains open to let the sunlight in. This will help your house warm up.____74____.Do regular maintenance(维修)Each year, you should service any gas appliance you have, such as a stove or a heater. You should also get your air pipes sealed by a professional.____75____. Proper maintenance work can prevent breakdowns in addition to lowering your gas bill.A.Make changes around your homeB.Stop the flow of cold out of your housesC.Also, turn off the heat when it is not necessaryD.When the sun sets, close all of them to keep the warm air inE.There are several tips to make your home more energy-savingF.That is why we are looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprintG.Otherwise, warm air may escape through holes or breaks around themIt’s true that participating in student organizations and campus events can be a great way to get to know your school, make friends, build a professional network and have some fun along the way. ____76____ Read on to find ways to get involved in campus life.Joining or starting a club may be the easiest way. Most universities have numerous student-run campus clubs. These typically include interest-based groups (from cooking to comics) and activity-based groups (like hiking and dancing). ____77____ And some universities do have clubs on such themes, where you can connect with other students and maybe even change a few minds by sharing your beliefs. Check with your Student Services Center to learn more about joining existing student organizations or the process of starting your own club.____78____ Not only can it help you meet more people and get involved in important campus matters, but it’s great for your resume(简历).You’ll gain leadership skills, make connections with a diverse body of students and be able to show in your resume that you’ve participated in central decision-making activities.Community service and volunteering can be really helpful in broadening your horizons. ____79____ If you aren’t taking any service-learning courses, consider looking for campus-based volunteer organizations. Options may range from tutoring(指导) local children to helping build homes or cleaning up neighborhood streets.If you excel in one particular area, such as writing, then you can become a tutor or teaching assistant. Consider offering your services to your college’s tutoring centers. Or you can work for a volunteer tutoring organization that will match you with students who need help. You can also offer your time and services to professors as a leaching assistant. This enables you to build connections with them. ____80____A.Participate in student government if you can.B.Many universities host voluntary events frequently.C.But more often than not you have no idea how to do it.D.You have been told the secret to getting involved many times.E.You can also stay on top of developments in your field of study.F.Of course, you may be enthusiastic about a political or social cause.G.More and more universities are putting them directly into the courses.Persistence (坚持) is a hot topic among education researchers these days and for good reason: It’s critical for success in school and beyond. Here are five tips for developing this quality in your child.Let them play.Just like adults, kids tend to work harder when they love what they’re doing. What’s the best way to help your child discover what they’re passionate about ____81____ So if your child’s curiosity is inspired by any topic from acrobatics (杂技) to zoology, you can support their interest by offering additional exposure to that subject.Help them practise self-control.____82____ Studies have shown that higher levels of self-control early in life predict how well kids do academically, as well as a host of other positive outcomes including adult earnings, savings, and physical health.Aim high.Many studies have shown that kids work harder and do better when their teacher has high expectations for them. ____83____ High achievers who persevere in the face of challenges tend to come from families with high standards for their academic success and a home environment that supports learning.Praise the process.A previous research shows that when children are praised for their intelligence or talents, they avoid challenges. But when children are praised for hard work that paid off, they are more likely to seek out challenges and keep going when things get tough. ____84____Extracurricular help.Activities outside of regular school hours, such as sports, drama, debate, or music, are a great context for learning how to work hard at something over time. Research shows that students who participate in extracurricular activities get better grades and have higher self-esteem (自尊), lower rates of depression, and lower dropout rates than students who don’t. ____85____ Kids who stick with the same activity for two years are more likely to increase their possibilities of employment soon after college.A.Parental expectations matter, too.B.Let them explore freely and widely.C.They are more motivated and successful.D.Switching from person-praise to process-praise is easy.E.Hard goals can help your child focus their attention and work harder.F.Self-control is closely related to the ability to work toward a goal over time.G.Kids who devote one year to the same activity are more likely to graduate from college.Tibetan New Year, also known as Losar, is the most important festival in Tibet and is celebrated for 15 days, typically falling in February or March.____86____The celebrations include a range of customs and traditions that reflect the unique culture and identity of the Tibetan people.Before the arrival of the New Year, Tibetans engage in thorough cleaning of their homes and surroundings.____87____They also make offerings to the gods and ancestors to seek blessings for the upcoming year. Decorating homes and public places is a common custom during Losar. In addition, people also decorate their clothes with patterns, and their hair is styled in fashion.____88____Traditional dishes such as momos, a type of steamed dumpling filled with meat or vegetables, and Tibetan butter tea, made from yak butter and tea leaves, are served. Sweet treats like Tibetan butter cookies and dried fruit are also enjoyed.Tibetan people offer prayers and make offerings to the gods and deities during Losar. The offerings typically include food, incense and flowers.____89____Music and dance are part of the Losar celebrations. Villagers gather in public spaces and dance around bonfires, singing and playing traditional instruments.____90____People gather in public spaces and light incense and candles while offering food, drinks and other items to the gods. This is followed by the ceremony of throwing Tsampa, a roasted barley flour, into the air as a symbol of letting go of the past year and embracing new beginnings.The customs of Tibetan New Year are deeply rooted in the culture and traditions of the Tibetan people.A.In 2023, Tibetan New Year fell on Feb 21.B.Using them, people show gratitude to the elderly people.C.In the festival, people hold various events to celebrate it.D.These offerings are believed to bring good luck to people.E.This practice is to get rid of bad luck in the previous year.F.The Losar celebrations come to an end with a grand ceremony.G.During the New Year, Tibetans enjoy feasts with their family and friends.Covid-19 and Climate ChangeThe World Health Organization officially declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020. This began a sudden drop in human activity, as much of the world went into lockdown and factories stopped operating, cars kept their engines off and planes were grounded. ___91___ Here are three things climate scientists learned.Climate science can operate in real time.The pandemic made scientists think about how to monitor greenhouse gas emissions-carbon dioxide in particular—in real time. ___92___ In other words, if we knew what the emissions were from various economic sectors or countries before the pandemic, and we knew by how much activity had fallen, we could assume that their emissions had fallen by the same amount.No dramatic effects on climate change happen.___93___ Despite the clear and quiet skies, researchers found that lockdown actually had a slight warming effect in spring 2020. Looking further ahead to 2030, simple models have estimated that global temperatures will only be around 0.01℃ lower as a result of Covid-19.___94___We need to find ways to reduce emissions without the economic and social impacts of lockdown. Scientists have estimated that investing just 1.2% of global GDP in economic recovery packages could mean the difference between keeping global temperature rise below 1.5%, and a future where we are facing much more severe impacts—and higher costs. It’s essential that strong climate action is integrated into future investments. ___95___A.There have been many changes.B.This isn’t a plan for climate action.C.The risks may seem high,but the potential rewards are far higher.D.They used information on lockdown as a mirror for global emissions.E.This period has brought some entirely new and sometimes unexpected insights.F.Unfortunately, green investment is not being made at anything like the level needed.G.In the long term, the pandemic will have less effect on efforts to tackle climate change.After my family got comfortably settled in Hotel Ramada in Bangkok, we started exploring the city. After endless hours of shopping, it was finally time to go back.This was when the trouble started. We forgot there are two Ramada hotels in the opposite directions. Absolutely unaware of this, we started searching for the way back. Google maps suggested us the shortest route which was just 20 minutes away by walk____96____Bangkok felt different after sunset. Walking along the heavily-crowded roads with the dark-red sky felt beautiful. Lost in our talk, we didn’t realize that we passed onto the quieter part of the town.____97____ It was closed for redecoration. To our luck, nobody around us then spoke English. Worse still, we stepped in a local tuk-tuk(三轮车), which took us to an unknown area for an enormous pay. We had no idea where we were, our mobile phones nearly out of charge.____98____ He was a taxi driver. Recounting the day’s events proved to be a great conversation starter. We ended up talking through the way. He was so kind as to offer to drive us around for the rest of our stay. ____99____ For the next four days, from floating markets to the temples of Wat Pho, our trip wouldn’t have been so trouble free without him.Sometimes when things don’t go according to plan, I think about the stranger we met on the streets and how a tiny mistake on our part led to unexpected results. ____100____A.That was when our hero arrived.B.Our thankfulness knew no bounds.C.We reached a completely different Hotel Ramada.D.We set off into the city with little research on transport.E.We decided not to waste our money but our time instead.F.The trip rings as a reminder that every cloud has a silver lining.G.He then informed us that our hotel was just a few blocks away.参考答案:1.D2.F3.A4.E5.G【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种在30之内改善健康状况的简便方法。1.根据上文“If you’re looking to make some changes and improve your health, this blog post is for you(如果你想做出一些改变并改善你的健康状况,这篇博客文章是为你准备的)”以及下文“Get moving(动起来)”可推理出下文讲的是有关改变并改善健康状况的方法技巧的过渡句,与D项“Here are some simple tips that can help you turn things around within 30 days.(以下是一些简单的技巧,可以帮助你在30天内扭转局面)”表达的含义一致,故选D项。2.根据下文“This could include going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or taking a fitness class.(这可能包括快走、骑自行车或参加健身课程)”可推理出,上文讲的是设定每天的体育运动目标,与F项“One way to make exercising easier is to set a daily goal of 30 minutes of physical activity.(让锻炼变得更容易的一种方法是设定每天30分钟的体育活动目标)”表达的含义一致,故选F项。3.根据上文“Sugar can cause inflammation and worsen existing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease(糖会引起炎症,并使糖尿病和心脏病等现有健康状况恶化)”可推理出,糖会引起健康状况恶化,下文继续讲的是糖会导致身体的其他不适,与A项“It can also lead to weight gain and make you feel exhausted.(它也会导致体重增加,让你感到筋疲力尽)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。4.根据上文“Your body comprises about 60% water. It helps flush toxins from your body, carry nutrients to your cells, and keep your skin healthy. It helps improve your mood and energy levels and helps you lose weight.(你的身体由大约60%的水组成。它有助于排出体内毒素,将营养物质输送到细胞中,保持皮肤健康。它有助于改善你的情绪和能量水平,帮助你减肥)”可知,水有益于人的健康,因此下文讲的是感到不适的时候,要喝水,与E项“So next time you’re feeling tired, reach for a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee(所以下次你觉得累的时候,去拿一杯水,而不是一杯咖啡)”表达的含义一致,故选E项。5.上文“When you sleep enough, your body has adequate time to recharge and heal from the day’s activities, which also helps to improve focus and concentration, and help boost your mood.(当你睡眠充足时,你的身体有足够的时间从一天的活动中充电和恢复,这也有助于提高注意力和集中度,并有助于提振你的情绪)”提到睡眠充足有助于提高注意力和集中度,并有助于提振你的情绪,这是在强调睡眠充足的重要性,G项“However, when you don’t get enough rest, you’re more likely to have trouble concentrating.(然而,当你没有得到足够的休息时,你更有可能难以集中注意力)”和上文是转折关系,强调睡眠不足会使注意力难以集中,此处也是在强调睡眠充足的重要性,故选G项。6.D7.C8.A9.G10.E【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍打破旧习惯培养新习惯的方法。6.根据后文“The same is true of breaking a bad habit; it takes about three weeks to really get past it.(改掉坏习惯也是如此;大约需要三周的时间才能完全恢复过来)”可知,后文提到改掉坏习惯也需要三周,说明好习惯也需要三周时间来养成。故D选项“习惯需要大约三周的时间才能真正进入你的脑海”符合语境,故选D。7.根据上文“The more people you tell, the more responsibility there is.(你告诉的人越多,你的责任就越大)”可知,本句是对上文的进一步解释,C选项中This指代上文“你告诉的人越多,你的责任就越大”这一行为。故C选项“这也意味着你可以得到更多的支持”符合语境,故选C。8.根据后文“If you want to get rid of a bad habit, you need to replace it with something else. If you watch too much television, you can replace it with a healthy habit such as reading a book or exercising.(如果你想改掉一个坏习惯,你需要用别的东西来代替它。如果你看太多电视,你可以用一个健康的习惯来代替,比如读书或锻炼)”可知,本段的主旨是通过养成新习惯来改掉坏习惯。故A选项“养成一个新习惯”符合语境,故选A。9.根据上文“If you want to get rid of a bad habit, you need to replace it with something else. If you watch too much television, you can replace it with a healthy habit such as reading a book or exercising. It might also be a time to start something that you have been planning to do for a long time. Maybe you can start working on a dream project you have been delaying for so long.(如果你想改掉一个坏习惯,你需要用别的东西来代替它。如果你看太多电视,你可以用一个健康的习惯来代替,比如读书或锻炼。也可能是时候开始做一些你已经计划了很长时间的事情。也许你可以开始做一个你已经拖延了很长时间的梦想项目)”可知,该段主要叙述养成新习惯,以去掉坏习惯。举例如果你看太多电视,你可以用读书或锻炼等健康习惯来代替。上句接着说明“也许你可以开始做一个拖延了很长时间的梦想项目”,说明本句是在总结上文:任何能改变日程安排的事情都会对你非常有益,符合上下文逻辑关系。故G选项“任何能改变时间安排的事情都对你很有好处”符合语境,故选G。10.根据上文“Whatever the habit you are looking to getting rid of, you should visualize how better your life would become when you get rid of it.(无论你想要改掉什么样的习惯,你都应该想象一下,当你摆脱了它,你的生活会变得多么美好)”以及后文“By setting goals for the future, you can motivate yourself and adopt a lifestyle that helps you achieve those goals. (通过为未来设定目标,你可以激励自己,采取有助于实现这些目标的生活方式)”可知,本句是在对改掉坏习惯之后的美好进行设想。故E选项“想想你因为坏习惯而错过的所有机会”符合语境,故选E。11.E12.D13.B14.A15.F【导语】本文是一篇说明文。当前社会有很多人深受恐惧症的困扰,影响正常生活。本文详细介绍了集中恐惧症的治疗方法——认知行为疗法,暴露疗法和虚拟现实疗法。11.根据前文“In everyday life, some phobia triggers(诱因)are much easier to avoid than others. For instance, people who suffer from a fear of bats are highly unlikely to be troubled by these creatures every day. ”(在日常生活中,有些恐惧症的诱因比其他的更容易避免。例如,那些害怕蝙蝠的人不太可能每天都受到这些生物的困扰。)可知,有些恐惧症的引发的因素是不常见,可以避免的,不会影响正常的生活。下文“The good news is that there are a variety of different methods used to treat phobias. ”(好消息是治疗恐惧症的方法有很多种。)可知,有很多治疗恐惧症的方法,既然是“好消息”,说明有很多人的日常生活是受到恐惧症的影响的。选项E.“然而,患有社交恐惧症的人将很难过上正常的生活。”,引出下文对各种疗法的描述,符合题意,故选E。12.根据下文“It is thought that unreasonable anxiety is caused by a patient’s negative interpretation of events, rather than the events themselves. CBT is a talking therapy that helps patients assess their reactions to situations, replacing the worry cycle with more useful or realistic thoughts.”(人们认为,不合理的焦虑是由病人对事件的负面解释引起的,而不是事件本身引起的。认知行为疗法是一种谈话疗法,帮助患者评估他们对情况的反应,用更有用或更现实的想法取代焦虑周期。)这里主要介绍了认知行为疗法的治疗理念。因而空处应该讲述认知行为疗法。选项D.“认知行为疗法的目的是改变我们对某些情况的看法。” 符合题意,故选D。13.根据下文“A person who fears spiders might place thinking about a spider at the bottom of the list, and having a spider move along his arm at the top. With the help of a psychologist, the patient systematically works their way through the list, using relaxation techniques until they are comfortable with each stage.”(一个害怕蜘蛛的人可能会把思考蜘蛛放在列表的底部,让蜘蛛沿着他的手臂移动放在列表的顶部。在心理学家的帮助下,患者系统地完成列表内容,使用放松技巧,直到他们对每个阶段都感到舒服。)可知,暴露疗法是帮助患者按照患者内心的恐惧等级,逐步克服恐惧的办法。所以空处应描述暴露疗法的会让患者做什么。选项B.“病人把情况从最不可怕到最可怕进行排序。” 符合题意,故选B。14.根据前文“Exposure therapy isn’t a usable option for all phobias.”(暴露疗法不是所有恐惧症的有效选择。)可知,暴露疗法不适合所有恐惧症患者,存在弊端。下文“Advancements in virtual reality systems mean that patients can now face their fears through a headset rather than in the real world.”(虚拟现实系统的进步意味着,患者现在可以通过耳机而不是在现实世界中面对他们的恐惧。)可知,虚拟疗法可以通过科学技术,弥补暴露疗法的不足。因而空处应提出有其他的治疗方法。选项A.“幸运的是,现代科技提供了另一种选择。” 符合题意,故选A。15.根据前文“Advancements in virtual reality systems mean that patients can now face their fears through a headset rather than in the real world.”(虚拟现实系统的进步意味着,患者现在可以通过耳机而不是在现实世界中面对他们的恐惧。)可知,虚拟现实疗法是通过科学技术,让患者不在现实中体验恐惧。因而,空处应承接前文,讲述这样做的意义。选项F.“这使患者能够面对他们的恐惧症,同时知道他们没有身体上的危险。”符合题意,故选F。16.C17.D18.F19.G20.B【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了不同的鞋子所代表的不同态度和风格。16.根据上文“The shoes you wear can reflect your style, mood, personality, attitude, and much more. Do you want to leave a strong impression (你穿的鞋子可以反映你的风格、心情、个性、态度等等。你想给人留下深刻的印象吗?)”可知,本句回答上文想不想给人留下深刻印象的问题,故C选项“广泛的鞋子收藏可以帮助你”符合语境,承接下文“They add depth to your personality. (它们使你的个性更有深度。)”,下文的they指代选项中的“A wide shoe collection ”故选C。17.根据上文“Sneakers are the most frequently worn shoes these days. They represent a happy, sporty, and comfortable attitude.(如今,运动鞋是人们最常穿的鞋子。它们代表了一种快乐、运动和舒适的态度)”以及后文“From your friend’s birthday party to your workouts, you can wear sneakers everywhere. (从朋友的生日派对到健身,你可以穿运动鞋去任何地方。)”可知,本句旨在说明运动鞋和衣服的搭配。D选项They指代上文sneakers。故D选项“他们最适合与休闲装搭配”符合语境,穿运动鞋和休闲服装可以去朋友的派对和去健身。故选D。18.根据上文“Boots are one of the best additions to your shoe collection. They work well in personal and professional settings. They convey a strong, professional and confident attitude.(靴子是你的鞋子收藏中最好的补充之一。他们在个人和职业环境中都很好。他们传达了一种坚强、专业和自信的态度)”可知,上文提到了靴子可以在职业环境中穿着,故本句是在说明可以穿着靴子的场合:办公室,甚至去参加聚会。故F选项“你可以穿一双去办公室,甚至去参加聚会”符合语境,故选F。19.根据上文“Heels have been a status symbol since ancient time.(自古以来,高跟鞋就是身份的象征)”以及后文“Kings and queens wore heels to show their high status. Even today, heels represent confidence, bravery, and even a high-status. Women who wear heels are more charming as well.(国王和王后穿高跟鞋来显示他们的高贵地位。即使在今天,高跟鞋也代表着自信、勇敢,甚至是高地位。穿高跟鞋的女性也更迷人)”可知,上文提到高跟鞋是身份的象征,后文则说国王和王后都穿高跟鞋,高跟鞋代表着自信、勇敢,甚至是高地位,故本句是在说明高跟鞋所代表的态度。故G选项“它们传达了一种坚强、有吸引力和强有力的态度”符合语境,故选G。20.根据后文“You should always keep a good check on your shoes and wear the most suitable pair. You need to dress up according to the situation, surroundings, and people. Only when you can do that, can you create the desired impression with your shoes.(你应该经常检查你的鞋子,穿最合适的那双。你需要根据场合、环境和人来着装。只有做到这一点,你的鞋子才能给人留下理想的印象)”可知,本句为文章的总结段落,结合上文的内容可知,不同的靴子可以传达给人不同的信息和态度。故B选项“鞋子能传达的信息比你想象的要多”符合语境,故选B。21.A22.E23.G24.B25.F【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了对抗暴风雨的新方法——漂浮房屋。21.下文“rising along with the water and going back to its original position after the rain stopped. (随着水的上升,雨停后又回到原来的位置。)”,及第二段开头“A floating house can be constructed on any shoreline and is able to deal with rising seas by remaining on the top of the water’s surface. (浮动房屋可以在任何海岸线上建造,并且能够通过留在水面顶部来应对海平面上升。)”可知,在暴雨来临时人们就登上了浮动房屋,雨停后就会回到原来的位置。A项“They then boarded their floating houses (然后他们登上了他们的浮动房屋)”与上下文一致。故选A。22.根据下文“floating homes are fixed to the shore and are usually connected to the local sewer (污水管道) system and power grid.(漂浮房屋固定在岸边,通常连接到当地的下水道系统和电网。)”和“They are structurally similar to houses built on land. (它们在结构上类似于在陆地上建造的房屋。)可知,此处讲述漂浮房屋的建立,下文用陆地房屋与漂浮房屋进行比较,E项“Unlike houseboat which can easily be moved and relocated (不像可以很容易地移动和重新安置的的游艇)”符合语境,说明了漂浮房屋与游艇不一样,需要固定在岸边,不移动和重新安置。故选E。23.根据下文“Siti Boelen, the Schoonschip resident, says that when she first moved in, stormy weather made her think twice. “You feel it in your stomach,” she says, adding that she has gotten used to the feeling. (Schoonschip居民Siti Boelen说,当她第一次搬进来时,暴风雨的天气让她三思。“你感受到你的胃在翻腾,”她说,并补充说她已经习惯了这种感觉。)”可知,居民Siti Boelen对于暴风雨天气起初很紧张,后来逐渐习惯,因此推断空处应是讲述暴风雨中的情况,G项“Severe wind and rain, or even the passing ships, can rock the buildings (狂风暴雨,甚至是过往的船只,都会撼动建筑物)”符合上下文,故选G。24.根据上文“Floating homes also require extra infrastructure and work to connect to the electricity grid and sewer system. (漂浮房屋还需要额外的基础设施和工作来连接到电网和下水道系统。)可知,浮动房屋的建造需要额外基础设施的建立和额外的工作,因此需要资金投入,结合下文““If there are floods, it’s expected that many people will move to higher ground. But the alternative is to stay close to coastal cities and explore expansion onto the water,” says Rutger de Graaf. (“如果发生洪水,预计许多人将搬到更高的地方。但一种选择是留在沿海的城市,探索向水上扩张”Rutger de Graaf说。)”可知,如果发生洪水,人们会搬到高处,但是也可以选择探索向水上扩张,因此推断虽然浮动房屋的建造会需要大量开支,但是如果发生洪水,浮动房屋的会有益处,因此推断带来的收益可能大于开支,B项“But the benefits may outweigh the costs(浮动房屋的收益可能大于开支)”符合语境,承上启下。故选B。25.根据下文“That’s unavoidable merely half a century away. We need to start now to increase the scale of floating developments. (这在半个世纪之后是不可避免的。我们需要从现在开始,扩大浮动开发的规模。)”可知,that指代上文提到的事情,空处应是讲述不可避免的事情,承接上文浮动房屋是为了应对洪水爆发,海平面上升,因此推断不可避免的事情是指发生洪水,海平面上升,人们会流离失所,F项“Hundreds of millions of people will be displaced by sea level rise(数亿人将因海平面上升而流离失所)”符合语境,下文倡导现在就需要开始漂浮房屋的研发。故选F。26.D27.G28.E29.F30.A【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了从事副业的优势。26.上文“Usually, our job’s salary is adequate for our basic needs.”(通常我们工作的工资足以满足我们的基本需求。)说明工资可以满足基本需求并结合下文“Likely not”(可能不行)可知,前句应该是问句,D项“But will it cover emergencies, debts and those expensive wants ”(但是它能涵盖紧急情况,债务及那些昂贵的需求吗?)承接上文,对工资是否能满足所有的需求提出疑问,下句则给出了回答,衔接恰当。故选D项。27.上文“Depending on what your sideline is, you may encounter different kinds of people.”(取决于你从事的副业类型,你可能会遇见各种各样的人。)说明副业提供了扩大自己交际圈的机会,G项“By expanding your social circle, you can enjoy some unexpected benefits.”(通过扩大你的交际圈,你能够获得意想不到的好处。)进一步阐明了扩大交际圈带来的好处,衔接恰当。故选G项。28.上文“A sideline will challenge you to learn new skills.”(副业向你提供了学习新技能的挑战。)说明副业有助于学习新技能,E项“You’ll be exposed to different types of knowledge and ways of thinking.”(你能够接触到不同种类的知识及思维方式。)进一步阐明副业有助于扩展自身知识和思维方式,即学习新技能,衔接恰当。故选E项。29.下文“A sideline isn’t an obligation. You choose to do it. The flexible nature of a sideline is attractive to many people.”(副业不是义务,而是主动选择。副业的灵活性吸引力许多人。)说明了副业的另一个特征就是灵活性和自由度,F项“Another beauty of a sideline is that you can be the boss of your schedule.”(副业的另一个美妙之处在于你可以自由安排自己的时间表。)概括说明了副业的灵活和自由,衔接恰当。故选F项。30.上文“Your main job may pay the bills, but maybe it doesn’t match your passion.”(你的主业可以支付账单,但它可能无法满足你的激情。)说明主业可能无法满足人的激情,A项“Start a sideline that does”(开始一项副业可以做到。)衔接上文,说明副业可以调动人的激情和热情,符合句意。故选A项。31.C32.F33.A34.G35.D【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了弹性工作时间,介绍了其优点以及实行方式。31.根据空前“Flextime is a flexible hours schedule in which employees choose their own working hours, usually within approximate limits set by the employer or by the government.(弹性工作时间是一种灵活的工作时间安排,员工可以选择自己的工作时间,通常在雇主或公司规定的大致范围内。)”可知,上文是对弹性工作时间制度的介绍。选项C“This method has been adopted by many employers.(这种方法已被许多雇主采用。)”是上文内容的延续,与上文一致,其中This method指代的就是Flextime,故选C。32.根据下文所举例子“For example, they can use flextime to create schedules which will allow them to go to school, handle childcare, assist relatives, and perform other tasks.(例如,他们可以利用弹性时间来制定时间表,这样他们就可以上学、照顾孩子、帮助亲戚和完成其他任务。)”可知,有了弹性工作时间制度,员工可以合理利用时间兼顾工作和生活。选项F“It allows them to create work schedules that suit their lives.(这能让他们制定适合自己生活的工作时间表。)”与下文所举例子一致。故选F。33.空处为段首句,是本段主要内容。根据下文“First, it tends to increase employees’ satisfaction. This makes the company a better and more productive place to work. In addition, flextime can allow companies to serve clients for a longer time, as employees will be around at different times to answer phones, attend meetings, and so forth.(首先,它会增加员工的满意度。这会让公司成为一个更好、更有效率的工作场所。此外,弹性工作时间可以让公司为客户服务更长的时间,因为员工会在不同的时间接电话、参加会议等等。)”可知,本段主要讲的是弹性时间工作制度给雇主带来的好处。选项A“Employers benefit from flextime a lot, too.(雇主也从弹性工作时间中获益良多。)”与下文内容一致。故选A。34.根据空前“Most flextime schedules include core time. (大多数弹性工作制都包括核心时间。)”可知,弹性工作制有个核心时间;而下文“Employees are also usually given an hourly, daily or weekly limit to ensure that they do not break laws on working hours.(员工通常也有小时、日或周的工作时间限制,以确保他们不违反法律规定的工作时间。)”可知,这个核心时间就是员工的工作时间。选项G“It is a period of the day that everyone is expected to be at work.(这是一天中每个人都要上班的一段时间。)”与上下文内容一致,解释了对于员工而言,核心时间指的就是每个人都要上班的时间。故选G。35.根据上文“Flextime can also be combined with flexplace, in which the environment is better than that of the office.(弹性工作制也可以与弹性工作地点相结合,弹性工作地点的工作环境比办公室要好。)”可知,空处和弹性工作地点相关。选项D“For example, home offices are increasingly popular.(例如,家庭办公室越来越受欢迎。)”指的是在家办公,也就是弹性工作地点。这一选项也和下文内容“Employers may also allow people to work in untraditional settings such as coffee houses.(雇主也可能允许人们在非传统的环境中工作,比如咖啡馆。)”相一致。故选D。36.F37.B38.C39.G40.E【导语】这是一篇说明文,作者介绍了拥有高逆商的几个好处。36.上文“Adversity quotient (AQ逆商) is one’s ability to handle adversities well. It is known by other names such as resilience (适应力) and persistence. (逆商是一个人很好地应对逆境的能力。它也被称为其他名字,如适应力和持久性)”说明此处介绍的是逆商概念,因此F项“逆商是在你被击倒后反弹的能力”符合语境,故选F。37.根据下文“As we all know, change is the only constant in life. In the natural world, a creature that cannot adapt to changing circumstances eventually comes to an end. (众所周知,变化是生活中唯一不变的。在自然世界中,一个无法适应不断变化的环境的生物最终会走到尽头)”可知,本段主要说明适应变化的重要性,因此B项“对变化的适应性”概括段意,故选B。38.上文“An employee who refuses to adapt to great changes such as heavier workloads will give up and leave. (一个拒绝适应巨大变化,如更大的工作量,的员工会放弃并离开)”说明什么样的员工会离开, 下文应该是什么样的员工会留下,因此C项“然而,逆商高的人无论如何都会留下来”符合语境,故选C。39.主旨句“High emotional quotient (EQ) (高情商)”以及下文“Poor emotional control can make a situation worse than it already is. (情绪控制能力差会使情况变得更糟)”说明拥有高情商进行情绪调节的重要性, Poor emotional control和regulate one’s emotions是关键词,因此G项“面对逆境时,调节情绪的能力很重要”符合语境,故选G。40.上文“A person with a high AQ has a positive outlook on life. They will see the half-full glass instead of the half-empty one. (逆商高的人有积极的人生观。他们会看到半满的杯子,而不是半空的杯子)”说明的是逆商高的人的人生观,因此E项“他们甚至会以积极和建设性的精神看待批评”是对这一人生观的具体解释,故选E。41.G42.C43.A44.F45.E【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了园艺给孩子们带来的好处。41.下文“Gardening activities like digging, planting, watering, and weeding can stimulate movements of the body, particularly arms and hands, and help children learn about the natural world.(像挖掘、种植、浇水和除草这样的园艺活动可以刺激身体的运动,特别是手臂和手,帮助孩子们了解自然世界)”列举了园艺活动中与周围的自然环境的互动,并说明了它们有助于孩子们去了解自然,是对G项“Interacting with the surrounding nature encourages the learning process (与周围的自然互动可以促进学习过程)”的具体说明,句上“digging, planting, watering, and weeding”照应G项中“Interacting with the surrounding nature”,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。42.设空句是段首主题句,根据下文“Children’s curiosity about plants starts with the first seed they sow. They learn about natural process by observing the growth and fruit ripen. They also come to appreciate the vital role of insects and worms for plants and recognize that everything in nature is connected.(孩子们对植物的好奇始于他们播下的第一颗种子。他们通过观察水果的生长和成熟来了解自然过程。他们也开始认识到昆虫和蠕虫对植物的重要作用,并认识到自然界的一切都是相互联系的)”可知,本段主要讲园艺可以激发孩子们对自然科学的兴趣,让他们在科学学习上有一个好的开端,故C项“Children get a head start on learning about science (孩子们在学习科学方面有一个良好的开端)”是本段内容的概括,适合作主题句。故选C项。43.根据段首主题句“Plant care fosters (培养) patience and responsibility.(照顾植物培养耐心和责任感)”可知,本段讲照顾植物培养耐心和责任感,A项“Plants need regular and consistent care (植物需要定期和持续的照料)”承接主题句,和下文“and children learn what it means to be responsible for something to help ensure its health.(孩子们学习什么是对某事负责,以帮助确保它的健康)”一起说明照顾植物如何培养耐心和责任感,上下文语意连贯。故选A项。44.上文“They will gladly try vegetables and fruit they planted and cultivated themselves.(他们会很乐意尝试自己种植的蔬菜和水果)”提出孩子们会尝试自己种植的蔬菜和水果,F项“This helps children to nurture self-confidence and healthy diet habits(这有助于培养孩子的自信和健康的饮食习惯)”承接上文,说明这样做的结果,句中“healthy diet habits”照应上文“vegetables and fruit they planted and cultivated themselves”,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。45.根据下文定语从句“which contributes to parent-child relationship.(这有助于亲子关系)”可知,设空处会提到有助于亲子关系的事情,E项“It provides good, healthy outdoor activity for the whole family(它为整个家庭提供了良好、健康的户外活动)”中“good, healthy outdoor activity for the whole family”有助于培养亲子关系,同时照应主题句中“bonding time”,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。46.E47.F48.G49.D50.B【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些可以变得更乐观的方法。46.根据上文“Becoming more optimistic can help you see people, situations and tasks with a more positive outlook.(变得更乐观可以帮助你以更积极的态度看待人、情况和任务)”以及后文“However, optimism is actually an ability that individuals can choose to develop. Here are some steps to become more optimistic.(然而,乐观实际上是一种个人可以选择培养的能力。这里有一些让你变得更乐观的步骤)”可知,本句与后文构成转折关系,后文提到乐观可以培养,推测本句是在说明有人认为乐观是生来具有的品质。故E选项“有些人可能认为人生来就乐观”符合语境,故选E。47.根据上文“Keep a gratitude journal. Write every day in a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is a place where you regularly write things you feel grateful for. The things you’re grateful for can be small, such as a good meal or a sunny day.(写感恩日记。每天写一篇感恩日记。感恩日记是你定期写下你感激的事情的地方。你感激的事情可以是小事,比如一顿大餐或一个阳光灿烂的日子)”以及后文“Consistently recognizing the things you’re grateful for can help you refocus on the positives in your life and foster a more optimistic perspective.(不断认识到你感激的事情可以帮助你重新关注生活中的积极因素,培养更乐观的观点)”可知,本段的主旨是保持感激的心态,且上文提到了可以是小事,故本句是在说明也可以是大事,故F选项“它们也可以更大或更复杂,比如一个爱的人或一份好工作”符合语境,故选F。48.根据上文“Do activities you enjoy, Spend time on hobbies or interests that naturally boost your mood or make you laugh. Pursuing activities you enjoy can help you reduce stress levels.(做你喜欢的活动,花时间在能让你心情愉悦或开怀大笑的兴趣爱好上。从事你喜欢的活动可以帮助你减轻压力)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,上文提到了“花时间在能让你心情愉悦或开怀大笑的兴趣爱好上”,即感到快乐的时候更容易积极地看待事物。故G选项“当你感到更快乐时,就更容易积极地看待事物”符合语境,故选G。49.根据上文“Limit your consumption of the news.(限制你看新闻的时间)”以及后文“However, most news mediums discuss negative topics or subjects from a negative angle. So consuming too much news can dampen your outlook on life. So consider setting a time limit for how much news you consume regularly. Choosing to only receive your news from a few reputable sources can also help you reduce the amount of news you read or watch daily.(然而,大多数新闻媒体从负面的角度来讨论负面的话题或主题。所以,看太多新闻会影响你的人生观。所以,考虑为你定期阅读的新闻量设定一个时间限制。选择只从少数有信誉的来源接收新闻也可以帮助你减少每天阅读或观看新闻的数量)”可知,后文与本句构成转折,结合新闻的特点是帮助人了解周围的世界,故D选项“保持对周围世界的了解很重要”符合语境,故选D。50.根据本段内容“Make actionable plans when facing challenging situations. Some people might think that optimists only perceive the good in all situations. However, optimistic people do recognize difficulties. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of a situation, optimists make plans to alter, improve or overco






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